Our Approach

Learning through Games

We believe young kids especially need to be engaged to learn. That’s why we incorporate games into our curriculum. These games are designed to introduce the basics of debating in a fun and interactive way.

Starting with Lighter Topics

We ease students into the world of debate by initially discussing less serious topics. One favorite activity involves playing characters on a sinking ship, each debater arguing for a spot on the lifeboat. 

Progressing to Complex Issues

As students become more comfortable with the basics, we introduce more complex topics. Over several weeks, students explore a subject in-depth. They conduct research, gather evidence, and write their speeches.

Showcase Debate

The highlight of each semester is our Showcase Debate, where students demonstrate their newly honed debate skills. Families encouraged to watch.

Our Debate Format

Our Debate Format

Substance over Speed:

Traditional debate formats often incentivize students to speak quickly and make as many points as possible. Our approach focuses not on speaking quickly, or making the most points—it’s about forming the most substantial and compelling arguments.

Engaging not Evading:

Traditional debate formats require students to respond quickly to opponent’s arguments, often in canned, prepared counter-arguments. We encourage students to genuinely engage with their opponents’ arguments.

Accessibility, from Playground to Podium:

Traditional debate formats do not work for younger kids, because the debaters are entirely on their own. Our coaches facilitate the debate, ensuring the dialogue remains productive, honest, and respectful-and, for young debaters, that they are comfortable and engaged.



Opening Speech

Each student delivers a speech, articulating their position on the debate topic and setting the stage for discussion.


Moderated Discussion

Coaches invite students to rebut each other's arguments, and students question their opponents directly. The coach ensures students engage with each other’s arguments directly.


Closing Speech

Each student wraps up with a final speech, where they crystallize their main arguments.